1. 根據菲律賓領事館公佈,直至昨日(3月25日)有共13名(1天增加6名)菲律賓籍人土確診

本會現呼籲所有外傭僱主盡量勸喻外傭,未來兩星期留在家中,暫時與朋友保持社交距離。如假期外出者, 提醒她們避免群集、 戴上口罩及保持個人衛生。



The Hong Kong Health Department officially informed the Philippine Consulate General that six (6) more Filipinos have tested positive for COVID-19.

There are now thirteen (13) Filipino COVID-19 positive patients undergoing treatment in various hospitals in Hong Kong. The Philippine Consulate General is extending all necessary assistance to them.

The Philippine Consulate strongly appeals to the Filipino community in Hong Kong to stay at home whenever possible and if there is a need to go out to make sure to avoid crowded places and practice social distancing.

Please click here for Philippine Consulate facebook page for the update